Glock : the popular pistol brand

Link to the main picture : here
Glock official website :

The look of the pistols changed with the brand Glock. This company was not in the gun business and, when it started, the founder used some technics who were waiting to be used in a massive scale.

In fact, comparing to the others manufacturers, Mr Gaston Glock had not to change his factories because he had none. So he could start almost a “concept gun” with the most innovative ideas at the time. Also, Mr Glock, was humble and listened a lot the potential customers.

In the history of pistols, there is clearly a before/after because of the Glock company. Their most known guns are the Glock 17 and the Glock 19.

But now what to think of this brand ?

Cons :

_Some people say that this company is very corrupted.

_Their handguns used to be sell at a “low” price. But now it is not the case anymore as the brand is very famous because it have been widespread A LOT into many movies, videogames etc… These handguns are almost a product of the pop culture…

Pros :

_Their pistols are made of few pieces. In theory, they are not hard to clean (but still more complex than a revolver).
About the cleaning, I found this very short and simple video :

_Their pistols have the reputation to be reliable. By the way, the company have put the word “Perfection” below the name of the brand… As a motto.

_The company produces some charger/magazine that can carry 17+1 bullets.

Conclusion :

Those handguns made by an exotic brand who have a very short name are extremely popular in the USA and in the world. Are they overrated ? Well, make your opinion yourself.
If you want to know more about Glock, here are some others selected videos :

And this video about 5 alternatives to the Glock handguns.
