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After 5 years of studying visual communication and graphic design, Marie “Fleuron” Gérasimo presents her first collection of artworks. This lady from Bordeaux reveals there a part of her rich world to us. We had the privilege to speak with her.
O-J-L : Hello Mrs. Gérasimo.
Miss Gérasimo : Hello.
O-J-L : So for those who don’t know you yet, how do you pronounce your name ?
Miss Gérasimo : It is pronounced Jé-ra-zi-mo. This name comes from the Greek language and means “who deserves honour”. It was subsequently Anglicized et Slavicized.
O-J-L : As you are from Bordeaux, I must ask you, as a preamble, 3 questions related to this very famous city. First : rather red wine, pink or white ?
Miss Gérasimo : It all depends on the dish that goes with it. I reserve the red for meats and the white for fish or aperitifs based on cold meats and pâtés. As for rosé, with me, it remains on the sidelines (smile).
O-J-L: Next, what is your favourite café in Bordeaux ?
Miss Gérasimo : It’s more a pub: “The Sherlock Holmes” near the Gambetta’s place.
O-J-L : Finally… Do we agree that the people of Bordeaux have their own language ? If we don’t use words like “gavé” or “chocolatine” no one understand us ? True ?
Miss Gérasimo : (laughs).

O-J-L : Why this pseudonym of “Fleuron” ?
Miss Gérasimo : A fleuron, traditionally called a “printer’s flower,” is an ornament that takes the appearance of a leaf or of a flower. It is an obsolete printer’s term derived from the old French word floron, meaning flower.
Fleuron is my identity as an artist. It is rooted in my deeply rooted tastes for plants and botany on the one hand, literature, books, ink, writing and in the other hand in their extension impressions on paper.
O-J-L : How long have you been creating ?
Miss Gérasimo : I have always painted and drawn. I spent my childhood frolicking in the fields of Aquitaine and my schooling was immersed in literature.
However, at school as in the fields, my canson and my gouache were never very far away.
O-J-L : What tools do you use ?
Miss Gérasimo : I like to discover and master new ways of practicing my art. Charcoal, red chalk, chalk, pastels, watercolor, acrylic, Indian ink, poscas, felt-tip pens, bic, oil paint, etc…

O-J-L : How would you define your style ?
Miss Gérasimo : My style is defined by the combination of my personal attractions, my artistic touch and my experience as a graphic designer. Which gives rise to graphic-artistic posters that I put on sale. I also share my creations on my Instagram account.
O-J-L : Who are the artists who influence you ?
Miss Gérasimo : I remain attached to the great French, English or Italian painters, such as William Turner, Sandro Botticelli, Eugène Delacroix, unfortunately, not one of these particularly influences me. But I like to watch a little bit of everything on Instagram in particular. I really like these artists: James Jean, Jenni Pasanen, Yifanzhang and Ozabu.
O-J-L : What are the places that influence you ?
Miss Gérasimo : There are no places in particular. These are inspirations that come suddenly. For the works that I am currently presenting, it is true that Asia has influenced me. But for my next collections I want to turn towards something fundamentally different.
O-J-L : How do you work ?
Miss Gérasimo : Everything begins in the mind, in the heart. A desire, a concept comes to mind and I set off to draw, paint, photograph.
From these visuals, I take scans.
I transfer my work to the software and continue my creation by playing with style effects.
I plot the whole thing.
I export.
Finally I print.

O-J-L : How many works do you offer for sale ?
Miss Gérasimo : To date, I have a collection of around thirty posters.
O-J-L : Your future collection will be very different. Can you tell us more ?
Miss Gérasimo : The form, the graphic style, will remain the same. But I now wish to honor what is sacred in the Christian religion.
O-J-L : Who is your favorite Saint ?
Miss Gérasimo : I particularly like two biblical characters who sit enthroned in heaven: The Virgin Mary, my patroness; she has always been with me, which is why I am particularly close to her, as well as the archangel Saint-Michel, figure of the defender of good par excellence, “he who is like God”.
O-J-L: May Our Lady protects you.
Miss Gérasimo : Thank you.

Alpha Centauri