Nicolas le Floch (2008 – 2016)

Link to the main picture : here
Link to the Imdb page : here

Cons :

_The depiction of Marie Antoinette may lack a bit of panache.
_A few times the main character is a bit licentious.

Neutral :

_The show needed to find a balance between being politically correct or to shock. It seems that they found this balance.

Pros :

_The main character is more and more deep over the episodes. The last picture of the episode 1 of the season 5 is a perfect illustration of that.
_The decors are really nice. Versailles is waow… There is a lot of extras on them sometimes.
_The way the characters speak is fantastic. This show is really useful if you wish to speak French in an elegant way. This is very rare !
_The music is really good.
_The light, the costumes, the way the scenes are shot ect… Excellent.

Conclusion :

A premium TV show about the pre-revolutionary era in France.
Precious !
