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I don’t know for you, but some years ago, there were many brands of watches. It was a bit a mess to be honest. But nowadays, I have the feeling that this is the opposite : that there is less brands of watches. And for the few that remains, those brands are… not very funky. Worst, the choice for some quality watches seems to be tougher. Same is the problem of the cost. Well, it seems that the brand Nixon answered to the equation : quality + design + good price.
Link to the picture : here
At first, the brand was made for the surfers (good sign for the quality) but now it targets more people. But yes, the DNA of the brand remains young and sunny, which is not a bad thing.
Link to the picture : here
On a very surprising level, the brand have brought it up to date the golden watch. They offers some very pleasant watches in this category. I saw many young entrepreneurs wearing them while back on my time, this kind of watches was for the old businessmen (and the gangsters).
Link to the picture : here
Thank you Nixon to refresh the world of the watches.
Keep punching !
Alpha Aquila