Soakimi Pise (1969-2022) : a legendary French soldier

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According to this website, Soakimi Pise was born on the islands of  Wallis & Futuna the 15/08/1969 and he died the 14/10/2022 on Frejus.

He will have taken part in numerous external operations conducted by the Army over the past thirty-five years. Having left the uniform in November 2018 after an exceptional career to become a civilian defense personnel in the 6th squadron [responsible for maintenance and protection missions at the Canjuers camp, editor’s note] of the 1st African Chasseurs Regiment [RCA], Corporal-Chief 1st Class Soakimi Pise has suddenly left us, at the age of 51. He was one of the most decorated non-commissioned soldiers in France. Initially, Soakimi Pise did not particularly intend to have a military career. Called up in 1989 for National Service, he joined the 21st Marine Infantry Regiment [RIMa] two years later, with the rank of corporal. From then on, his life was punctuated by external operations [OPEX].

Thus, Corporal Pise took part in Operation Noroît, in Rwanda, where the qualities he demonstrated designated him to become a sniper. Several other OPEX followed, notably in the former Yugoslavia: Bosnia-Herzegovina [FORPRONU, IFOR], Operation Salamande in Macedonia and Trident in Kosovo.

In 1996, engaged with his company on the infamous « Sniper Alley » in Sarajevo, to secure French devices, he then demonstrated extraordinary composure and courage, which earned him the congratulations of General Douin, then Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces [CEMA]. Assigned to the Chad Marching Regiment [RMT], then based in Noyon, Corporal Pise distinguished himself on several occasions in Côte d’Ivoire [Operation Licorne], to the point of being cited in the regiment’s orders. In August 2008, engaged in Operation Pamir, in Afghanistan, Corporal Pise distinguished himself again during the Uzbeen ambush, during which ten of his comrades lost their lives. Under fire from the Taliban, he supported the section of the 8th Marine Infantry Parachute Regiment [RPIMa], then severely attacked, until his ammunition ran out. He would not leave his post until he received the order to do so. His actions during this fateful day would earn him a further citation in the regiment’s orders. And he will be decorated with the Military Medal in April 2010. « A rare feat for a private soldier », notes the 1st RCA, his last regiment.

Within it, Soakimi Pise joined the « shooting cell », to which he shared his already long operational experience. In 2015, « an almost unique feat », notes the 1st RCA, he was made a knight of the National Order of Merit, « thus becoming one of the most decorated private soldiers in the French army ».

« Entirely devoted to the institution », Corporal-Chief First Class Pise « embodied exemplarity, loyalty and humility, the mark of exceptional soldiers », underlines the 1st RCA, in the tribute paid to him.
