Official website :
Alexis Caillet, alias “ Jean Pierre Baguette”, is a designer and illustrator. He started his career in the year 2000.
After a year of study in an artistic preparatory school, he studied for 2 years at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Tournai, Belgium.
There he met designer friends, with whom he collaborated on various projects. These friends have just set up an independent publishing house : the editions “Croc en Jambe” : . This publishing house is focused on illustrations and comics for a young audience.
He published four works over there, including one in association with Simon Mitteault, who wrote the story.
The last of these works was published at the beginning of 2022 and is called “Allô”.

In addition, Alexis Caillet also completed training in 3D computer graphics at Supinfocom Valenciennes in 2011, and since his diploma obtained in 2014, he has worked mainly in this sector, although allowing for periods devoted to drawing and illustration.
His official website lists some of his work in 3D. Here is a wonderful example:
As well as numerous illustrations and comic strips.
And for those who wonder about this strange (and very French) surname of “ Jean Pierre Baguette ” : it is a nickname given to him by the first singer of the music group in which he has been drummer for around twenty of year : “ Les pamplemousses éthyliques” :

Congratulations to Alexis Caillet for all his works.
Do not hesitate to visit his website and to contact him.
Quincey Morris