“Conan” by Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter (1967)

Link to the main picture : here

The Wikipedia page of the book : here

Cons :


Neutrals :

_Some disturbing moments. You will judge by yourself.

Pros :

_An extremely interesting character. More complex than the brutal bodybuilder he appears to be.
_An exciting universe.
_Fast and impactful writing.
_The “Ka” is a concept that is on the text. The “Ka” is basically a mirror of yourself. Like a person inside of you who gives you some advices. We can call it the instinct. And the character trust a lot his instinct / ka.
_Many dangerous animals (wolves, snakes, spiders, panthers etc…), skulls, magic, sorcery. But also a raw erotism. Epic.

Conclusion :

A major work. The start of a great saga.

Chev Chelios