“The American Dobermann” by Joël Houssin (1981)

Well, the book is hard to find in France (in French). So guess for the English version… Anyway you can still watch the movie of 1998 based on the saga. Here is the IMDB page of it.

More informations about the book in French : here

Cons :

Nothing to declare.

Pros :

_There are numerous revelations about the French criminal environment. The author was extremely knowledgeable about it…
_Very pleasant winks.
_Of humor.
_A very frank way of writing. Refreshing.
_Surprising : one of the characters has a supernatural side. You don’t expect that in a thriller book. Awesome.
_Very easy to read.

Conclusion :

A cult book.
Ideal for starting to open the eyes about our country. And about life.

Chev Chelios