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Behind Liss’Adore we find Patricia Damasceno Sobral. She lived in the Gard [France] since 2012. She makes bags and fashion accessories. In life, her passions are creation, travel, the sea… And small daily pleasures.
OJL : Hello Patricia.
Patricia : Hello.
OJL: Three quick questions before getting to the heart of the matter.
As you live in Caveirac, can you tell us what your favourite café is there ?
Patricia : I would say that more than my favourite coffee, my favourite place is to be not far from home by the sea in all seasons.
OJL : And what is your favourite park or place ?
Patricia : As I said previously, I love being by the sea. But right next to my house, it’s nature and the scrubland with beautiful walks to take on the hills to look for thyme or walk in the plain…Here the light is magnificent. We have very beautiful sunsets… These are delicious moments.
OJL : Finally, what was the last book you read ? And the last song you listened to ?
Patricia : _About the book I read “Comme deux drops de sang” by Nicolas Nutten. It’s a thriller… The author is a friend and an excellent writer. I also recommend his other book “Disappearance”.
_About the music at the moment I often listen to the soundtrack of the film “Blade Runner” (1982).

OJL : Let’s talk a little about you now. How could you introduce yourself ?
Patricia : I trained as a textile designer and worked in this field for 8 years.
Then I launched my brand “Liss’Adore” in 2007. I offer bags and fashion accessories. I have my own workshop.
OJL : How did you choose your pseudonym ?
Patricia : At the time I was making music and I was thinking about a band name. Finally, I adopted this name for my brand. I think it sounds good and above all that the word “adore” is a universal word to express a passion… Liss’Adore : I love it… it sounds pretty good too !

OJL : Let’s talk a little about your work now. What are your specialties ?
Patricia : I am passionate about mixing materials. I am very interested in the colours and patterns of the fabrics I use. They are my main source of inspiration. I combine them with leather, it’s a beautiful material that resists time and develops a patina over the years.
I also use materials and clothes that I find for my “Upcycling” range (my second account on Instagram).
I love searching and digging around to find rare gems that will inspire me to create special pieces according to my desires. I would say that the bag is a support for my creativity.
OJL : Who are the artists who inspire you ? Who motivates you ?
Patricia : Alexander McQueen and Jean Paul Gaultier.

OJL : Last question. You definitely have friends who are doing amazing things ! If you want to promote them a little, now is the time !
Patricia : The whole team at “N°58”, a great designer boutique in Nîmes :
And my husband. The visual artist Christophe Boverli :
OJL : Bravo for what you do. May Our Lady protects you.
Patricia : Thank you.

Alpha Centauri