I am a working class man. I work… With class.
Karl Lagerfeld
Link to the main picture : here
I came back to a big city two weeks ago for a training.
And I was very surprised to see that the « Corporate Goth » style is now quite developed.
The best post I found about it is this one on threadinginthedark
Then I found these posts on the topic on ovniki, wikihow, attitudeclothing, huffpost, ladyxyla, teenvogue, tragicbeautiful, adultist and Daniel Oren.
And even Corporate Goth a website about this style.
My humble opinion about the « Corporate Goth » style is that it is a mature and discreet style.
It is not about shouting to the world your rebellion or your emotions. But to display, in a subtle way, your identity.
It seems that this style is also called « Office Gothic ». It can be linked with the “Victorian Gothic” style. I have read once that it can be called « Mafia Gothic » (lol). It have some “Retro” influences on it.
For me, it is a refined and sophisticated style.
But first, I would like to say what “Goth” means to me.
What is it to be Gothic ?
Difficult to say. But easy to say what it is not.
Goths are not hippies. They like order, discipline and justice.
Goths are not extroverts. They avoid to talk for nothing. They are very humble old souls. They are fierce to keep what is their property. They have a strong Scorpio influence (opposite to Aquarius in my opinion).
In Europe, we could say the Goth spirit is not the Latin spirit. It is a spirit from the north. From the cold and from the ice. Goth people are very dangerous and they do not yell before bitting (Scorpio, once again).
For example : the comedian Al Pacino played Mickael Corleone (very Goth) and also played Tony Montana (very Latin).
The heart of the Gothic culture cannot suits for lazy people. Gothic culture is for the elite ? A bit. So what ? It is a culture for the warriors who want the best. A culture for those who want to be a champion.
“The best or nothing” is the motto of the brand Mercedes Benz. I think it suits the core of the Goth culture.
Gothic is not only about the appearance. It is also about your inner values. This is why the “Corporate Goth” style is on my opinion, a very good style.
Being a Goth is mostly to have a deep identity. An identity your truly love and admire. Even if it is rare, vintage or else. You want to show your values. And perhaps, you will attract people who think like you (and make the bad ones, go away).
Corporate Goth for which jobs ?
Obviously the jobs the tertiary sector and more specifically : the law and the science. But in any jobs in facts. As long as you want to be precise, focused and the best at it. And obviously, in the street, when people go to their jobs.
You can be well dressed in your life, even if you need to change your clothes to wear a suit to protect you from dirty things at your work.
This is what our ancestors used to do. I guess from the Victorian era to the end of the WWII. People were a minimum classy. People had a look who used to show that they worshipped dignity. Even if they were poor !
What are the values of the “Corporate Goth” style ?
Being serious, working hard, discipline, eating well, not being fat, respecting yourself etc… Those are some keywords to the “Corp Goth” style.
Being serious. Being focused. Having some aims in life. Do not wishes to be a loser. Refusing to be washed by the main trends of the moment. This is being a discreet renegade, a classy pirate, a corsair etc…
If you think you are a serious person. Or want to be a serious person : show it !
Shave yourself. Lose some weight. Do some sport. Be a bit of a soldier. The soldier of your life !
Who do you admire ? Who do you want to be ?
Come on !
What to wear ?
It depends of your lifestyle and on your job requirements.
For the ladies, I found this awesome video :
For the men, I think that some discreet black, navy, dark grey clothes, and a touch of white can do the job. Stick to the uniform requirements. And you will find the style who matches your needs and the needs of your work place.
Conclusion :
Being a “Corporate Goth” means to me to be a serious player.
You are here to win.
Go on !