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What to think of the Citroën AMI ?
I would like to present my opinion to you in two very simple parts : the pros & the cons.
Please note that I have not yet had the opportunity to drive this vehicle. But I am prepared to change my opinion if an essay changes my mind.
Pros :
1_More safe than a scooter
A Piaggio MP3 starts at €7,099. The Citroën AMI starts at €7,790 (see the range page on the Citroën website). So between a reputable 3-wheel scooter and Citroën’s license-free car, there is only €700 difference. It is therefore interesting to spend €700 more than for an MP3 and to have a cart instead. Because safety between a 2 or 3 wheeler and a 4 wheel vehicle (with a body) has nothing to do with it.
But we’re talking about a plastic body here. Nothing to do with bodies offering an interesting level of safety. For example: the Nido concept from Pininfarina, the Gina from BMW or my modest patent.
2_Two side seats
Compared to a scooter where the two seats are one behind the other, here the two seats are next to each other. It’s more comfortable. And they have seat belts. It’s more secure.
Remember that the Renault Twizy have also two seats but starts at €11,400…
3_A little volume to be respected
Any honest road user will tell you “the more imposing you are, the more respected you are”. Look how the market have been, skinny sedans has been replaced by huge SUVs. So in this case, Citroën was right not to offer a super-thin car. It doesn’t look ridiculous on the road. While the first Smart (too high) gave this effect.
4_A competitive price
Compared to a license-free car from Aixam which starts at €9,799: the Citroën AMI is cheaper. This is a real breakthrough in this market. An excellent point. Well done.
Neutral point :
Honestly, I had a hard time knowing where the front was from the back when I first saw the vehicle. It is a daring design…
Cons :
1_Electric ?
If you are seriously interested in transportation and the environment, you know that the future is hydrogen. It is regrettable that this revolution has still not been initiated by the oligarchy.
Warning : the El Dorado of hydrogen will not come. According to my information, all the big investors have already been in the “starting blocks” for years. Small investors will have no share in this cake…
2_Customers feedbacks
Citroën has the great honesty to let its customers give their opinion on his website. At the moment there are only 12 reviews. And some are… Not that great. The brand needs to take control of itself. Already when I was a customer, I noticed that in terms of quality… They could do better…
Conclusion :
I think we can say that Citroën’s coming into the license-free car market is successful. But they need to improve themselves.
In the meantime, if I had a 14 year old child, I think I would consider this solution rather than a scooter.
Antoine Paugam Delafraye have been an employed driving school instructor, then a self-employed driving school instructor. Over a period of 9 years.
He have been a Citroën customer during this period of time. He even did two one-week mechanic courses with them.
In 2005, he filed an industrial patent about car bodywork.