Isis : so powerful and so mysterious

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The “Sacred Feminine” is polymorphic. Whether we consider it to be Our Lady, Athena, Kali etc… It is always a question of paying an homage to the splendor who is the Feminity.

Among the representations of the “Sacred Feminine”, let’s take a quick overview about the powerful Egyptian goddess : Isis.

A protective goddess

Link to the picture : here

Like Athena protecting Odysseus in Homer’s “Odyssey”, Isis is seen as a good and a protective goddess.

A goddess of eros

Link to the picture : here

Like Venus or Aphrodite, Isis fully embraces her femininity. She shines and she is an example for all the women who want to flourish.

A maternal goddess

Link to the picture : here

Like Our Lady, Isis is the Mother of Horus (very similar to Jesus). Her maternal side is notably recalled at the beginning of the 2006 film “The Da Vinci Code” (Imdb page : here).

Conclusion :

For sure is difficult to get an accurate answer at the question : “Who is Isis?” « 
By the way, one of her festival was named “The Mysteries”.
But it seems that, like Our Lady, she is an extremely positive goddess & she cares about us.
Moreover, the singer Rihanna has a tattoo of Isis under her breasts. And two Egyptian falcons at each foot.
And if you like the wind, in the French Wikipedia post about Osiris it is said that the wind is the consequence… Of the beating of the wings of Isis. Poetic, no?

If you want to know more :

_Here is her page in the French version of Wikipedia. A fairly important page which explains the many links between Saint Marie and Isis.
_You also have several videos on YouTube which are quite good, including this one. The creator of this video talks about the book “The Sea Priestess” (1938) where the author, Dion Fortune, indicates that the priestess of the seas (heroine of the novel) has as teacher… Isis. When we know that “Mary” means “Star of the Ocean” it gives us some clues about what seems to be the truth…

Finally, here are some other very beautiful images found on the internet about Isis :

Link to the picture : here

Link to the picture : here

Link to the picture : here

Link to the picture : here

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