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Behind “La Dame Du Marais” we find Corinne. She lives in Caen in Normandy. She makes some oratories and some junk journals. In her life, her passions are reading, music and the paranormal.
OJL : Hello Corinne
Corinne : Hello.
OJL : Four quick questions before getting to the heart of the matter.
As you live in Caen, can you tell us what your favorite café is there ? And what do you like to drink there ?
Corinne : I’m going to “ Feuillette”. There I like to have a tea and a pastry while being seated near by the fireplace.
OJL : And what is your favorite park or place ?
Corinne : The garden of plants, for a bucolic walk, a breath of fresh air and a trip to the cemetery of the four nations (a romantic cemetery with its ancient tombs) located right next door.
OJL : Next, what was the last book you read ? And the last song you listened to ?
Corinne : _About the book: “ The Ladies of the Lake ” by Marion Zimmer Bradley.
_About the music : “ Stabat Mater Dolorosa ” by Antonio Vivaldi.
OJL : Finally, do you have a quote and/or proverb that you like ?
Corinne : “Beautiful is always strange” by Charles Baudelaire.

OJL : Let’s talk a little about you now. How could you introduce yourself ?
Corinne : A little out of the world… Out of time… ( smile ).
OJL : Who are the professionals who shaped you ? Who struck you down ? In a few names and why.
Corinne : One in particular. He was one of my teachers at the Beaux-Arts. He was “ First Prize of Rome ”. He taught me to see beyond the visible…
OJL : How did you choose your pseudonym ?
Corinne : I made a fusion in reference to on one side: “ The Lady of the Lake ” from the Arthurian stories. And on the other side: the place nearby I live.

OJL : Let’s talk a little about your work now. What are you creating ?
Corinne : I create some oratories and some junk journals.
OJL : What is a junk journal ?
Corinne : This type of creation comes from the United States and consists of assembling a diary from recycled material (old documents, pieces of fabric, old lace, etc…) and serves as a diary, photo album, etc… For my part, I often integrate on it some old elements such as pieces of manuscripts. I also like to work with textiles and papers.
OJL : Can you tell us more about your oratories ?
Corinne : In the absence of having a private chapel or being able to access a place of contemplation, I like to create these small objects or small meditative altars (as I also like to call them) allowing a form of introspection: prayers, special requests, meditation… Often dedicated to Our Lady or to a Saint whom we wish to honor.
OJL : Your oratories often seem oriented towards Notre-Dame. Can you tell us more about it ?
Corinne : The Virgin Mary holds a privileged place in my spirituality. She embodies the woman and mother to whom we can turn with complete confidence.
OJL : How can you define your style ?
Corinne : I would say that my work evolves in a universe that is vintage, fantastic, gothic and magical.
OJL : Very interesting. We could add “Victorian” I think. Besides, I thought I also saw the word “ shabby ” in your writings. Can you tell us more ?
Corinne : “ Shabby -chic” to be exact! (laughs). This is a decorative style that came from the United States in the 80s which consists of using and recovering all kinds of objects and furniture that are repainted white, while giving them a worn patina. This style can be recognized by its pastel color palette.
OJL : Very interesting. And one of your works is about Marie-Antoinette. Can you tell us more about it ?
Corinne : The person who was Marie-Antoinette, last queen of France , is one of my favorite historical characters. I like, through it, to work on the 18th century. Century that I also particularly like.
OJL : What techniques do you use ?
Corinne : Painting, collage, embroidery… in short, I like to try everything and experiment new techniques again and again ( laughs ).
OJL : Can we place you a personalized order ?
Corinne : Yes of course ! It is possible to contact me directly via my Etsy store or by my email, from where we can discuss the order in question together.
OJL : Can we subscribe to your newsletter ? Because social networks are a bit saturated…
Corinne : I don’t have a newsletter at the moment.

OJL : Do you have a story about creating one of your products? Or one of your sales ?
Corinne : I made a junk journal on the theme of “ Pre-Raphaelites ” intended for an Italian client. I had to make it in just… three days. A real challenge !
OJL : Last question. You definitely have friends who are doing amazing things ! If you want to promote them a little, now is the time !
Corinne : I would like to cite two:
_Odulcina journals : Pretty Shabby creations and digital paper kits.
_Boudoir Du Chaman : A boutique style cabinet of curiosities that caught my eye.
OJL : Bravo for what you do. May Our Lady protects you.
Corinne : Thank you. May she do the same for you.

Quincey Morris