Smith & Wesson “M&P22”

Link to the main picture : here

Official website :  

Smith & Wesson is a legendary American firearms manufacturer.
Clint Eastwood helped the company to get even more famous with the saga “Dirty Harry”.
Smith & Wesson make pistols, revolvers, long guns, ammunitions etc…
In 2005, they started the M&P series. M&P means for Military & Police as Wikipedia says.
In this post, we will see the 22LR pistol of Smith & Wesson : the M&P22.

I selected this review video for you :

And this field strip video :

Cons :

_Only 10 rounds
_Not that easy to disassemble.

Pros :

_+10$ for a threaded barrel
_2 magazines

You can buy it at a better price than on the official website if you take a look on :
