Mistress Morbida’s Market Macabre : hand-crafted gothic home décor

Website : https://marketmacabre.etsy.com Etsy shop : https://marketmacabre.etsy.com Instagram account : https://www.instagram.com/mistressmorbida/ Facebook account : https://www.facebook.com/marketmacabre Behind « Mistress Morbida’s Market Macabre » we find Chris. She lives with her …

Tatjana Warnecke

Link to the shop : https://tatjana-warnecke.shop/ Tatjana Warnecke combines valuable experience, timeless aesthetics and fresh ideas to provocative quality products!  For over 20 years, fashion designer …

The Silky Sassy Sisters

Etsy Shop : https://www.etsy.com/shop/thesilkysassysisters/ Instagram account : https://www.instagram.com/the.silky.sassy.sisters Facebook account : https://www.facebook.com/thesilkysassysisters Tiktok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@the.silky.sassy.sisters Email : thesilkysassysisters@hotmail.com Behind “The Silky Sassy Sisters  » …

“Dracula” by Bram Stoker (1897)

Cons : _According to Florence Stoker’s own admission, if her husband had lived longer, he would have reworked his text a little. Shame… _Van Helsing’s …

Severus Snape

Link to the original picture : here The Wikipedia page about him : here Severus Snape (named Severus Rogue in the French translation) is one …

Lanvaudan [Brittany]

Where is it ? In Brittany [France]. A land of mysteries.There, a very discreet village : Lanvaudan (Wikipedia page). Arrival from the south Coming from the …