Walther : it’s your duty to be ready

Link to the main picture : here
Walther arms official websites (there is two) :
German website : https://carl-walther.com/ and the Youtube channel of it : https://www.youtube.com/user/CarlWaltherTV
American website : https://waltherarms.com/ and the Youtube channel of it : https://www.youtube.com/@Waltherarms

Both the German and the American division of the brand love to remind us the legacy Walther have with Mr James Bond.
For example, see by yourself those two promotional videos of the two branches :

American :

German :

Well indeed, Walther use at the maximum the glamour atmosphere around the Bond saga to boost his image. A reputation which, to be honest, is quite different than the others weapons manufacturers who promote more their firepower… than their elegance.

Let’s see in a first time, three handguns of Walther : the famous Walther PPK. Then the P38 (used by the German army during the WWII). And we will finish by the P22.

In a second time, we will talk about Walther values. If you take a look at the Youtube channel of the American branch, you will see that they provide, A LOT of premium & free, about firearms for safety and efficiency. We will talk about those on a second part.

Three handguns from Walther

The legendary Walther PPK :

As Wikipedia say, PPK means “Polizeipistole Kriminalmodell”… Well then Wikipedia translate this name by “Police pistol detective model” but that doesn’t fool anyone. The correct translation is indeed “Police pistol criminal model”.
Why so ?
Because it is a pocket pistol. With such a little size, it can be used for many… Hidden purposes.

Well, about how to clean it, Walther provides the video. A very good point, because not all the manufacturers do so : link

The P38 :

Well, it was the pistol used by the German army on the WWII. So , as Walther want to be politically correct, they do not sell it anymore. And they did not do a video to explain how to clean it. But I found better than just a cleaning video. I found some restauration video. Here is one :

The P22 or P22Q  :

The less expensive 22lr handgun of Walther. And yes, they have be kind enough to make a video in order to explain how to clean it : link

But this other video is more clear when it comes to reassembling it :

Walther values :

As said above, Walther provides some awesome videos of advices. And some are specifically for ladies. Here are some of them :

Hand positions :

Purse dump :

Eye exercise :

Why using a red dot sight on a pistol :

Using a red dot sight :

Shooting from inside a vehicle :

Exiting a vehicle solo :

Drawing from inside a vehicle :

Congratulations so much Walther.

Conclusion :

Well, to be honest, it is quite a surprise to see such a serious brand.

For the few that In understood, Walther is linked with others brands like Umarex, Hämmerli, HK (Heckler & Koch) and Colt.
